Therapeutic Massage I Body Oriented Therapy
My name is Alexandra Henry and my goal is to assist individuals struggling with chronic or acute pain (mental or physical), who have not yet found solutions, in achieving relaxation of both body and mind, empowering them to lead a pain-free day-to-day life.
Here you can get a more in depth look into my specialized approach aimed to do so.
I believe that taking care of our bodies is the first step to not only physical health but mental and emotional wellbeing. By offering multiple ways to do so, both passive and active, my goal is for all of my clients to gain a deeper relationship with what it looks like for them to truly be healthy.
My offerings include Body-Oriented Therapy, Interoception Awareness Training, Thai Massage, Deep Tissue Massage and Private Yoga.
Click the link below to explore my services in depth.
Why Dao?
“Dao” can be defined primarily as the way or the path that is omnipresent. To be connected to Dao is to “round off” some of the sharp corners and rigidity we hold in our life, allowing things to move freely and spontaneously. You can learn more about how Dao influences my approach by clicking the link below.
Massage Therapy
Body Oriented Therapy
Client Reviews
“Maybe you are searching among the branches for what only appears in the roots.”